...go shopping. I did find another green that I really like, and I did find a border fabric also.

Best part yet, all the fabric I bought was on sale. I think this tone-on-tone purple paisley is the perfect border fabric, it has almost all the shades of purple that are in the quilt. Have I ever mentioned that I don't really like purple? This quilt is going to be very large and very purple. I think it has a home already, someone who LOVES purple. All the sashing, corner stones, and borders are cut out. I ran out of the sashing fabric - I'm short 8 12.5" strips - so I'm sewing together all the odd left over pieces and parts. I think I will just barely have enough.

I finished two more civil war blocks. I don't know how to needle turn applique and I really didn't want to machine applique the stars. The stars on the block are wool that I will blanket stitch down, Barbara said there would be additional applique blocks, my plan is to do those in wool. I've never combined wool and fabric before, so making this quilt is going to be an adventure.