(This post is for my cousin Jan. Hi Jan! She reminded me I hadn't posted in a while.)
My second project is done...okay, I confess it has been done for a few weeks. My mom's Mother's Day gift, a table runner and six place mats. I had enough scraps left over to make a little table topper and coasters.

I'm still spending time in the yards (I am becoming an expert at sprinkler systems and drip lines), so I haven't had much time to sew lately. But I have had time to get together with friends. Last weekend Karen, Stephanie and got together for lunch and little bit of quilt shopping. Karen and I found out there was outdoor quilt show in Winters, so we stopped there for a bit also. It was a very fun day.
I have wonderful friends also. Look what Karen made me:

Isn't it sweet? If you can't read the center it says: May your sorrows be patched and your joys be quilted. Love it. Karen said finishing this with it's little bitty stitches drove her to the eye doctor's, Eek. Thank you Karen! I think it was worth the eye strain.
Stephanie participated in a block of the month last year and made this quilt:

She didn't care for it, too scrappy for her. Too scrappy? Is there such a thing? Stephanie gave me the quilt top, I'll quilt it, she said she'd put the binding on. I love it! Especially the variety of colors, so rich looking. Thank you, Stephanie!!
Yup, wonderful friends.