Monday, August 19, 2024

Exciting News


My friend Donna from Idaho won a first place ribbon for one of her quilts at the Western Idaho Fair last weekend. I'm so happy for her!

Donna made and quilted this Judy Niemeyer designed quilt. Unfortunately she was at a long arm seminar and wasn't able to see the quilt on display. Her daughter took the above picture.

(before it was quilted)

Donna makes a Judy Niemeyer quilt every year. They are all beautiful. Way out of my league ;o)

This is more like me...slap a border on a panel and quilt it. (hehehe)

Soft flannel on the back.

What was I thinking!!! Joanne, the Quilts for Kids coordinator, had a friend who is no longer able to sew. She was a regular contributor of quilts to the group. She gave Joanne two totes full of sandwiched quilts. Most are just two pieces of fabric, all have batting, all have the back, batting and top cut to the same size. 

For me to quilt them I'll either have to cut the top fabric down or find a larger back if the top is pieced (few are). I'm not planning on doing anything fancy so these will quilt up quickly.

Bella helping me cut my leader ender strips to size. 

I made a new guild name tag. The J is kinda funky but I thought it turned out cute. It's about 2 x 3 inches. Adding binding to something that small was the hardest thing I've done in ages. ;o)

1 comment:

Rose said...

Donna's quilt us stunning! So very beautiful. I love your name tag,! You still have a lot of quilting to do...evening the quilting and binding is all you do.