Monday, September 2, 2024


It was another busy week. Lots of appointments and I've been going through my mom's house again, making sure I haven't missed anything. My niece took some of her furniture and we both took some Christmas decoration. Moving furniture when it is 98 degrees out is not fun. The estate sale agent takes over tomorrow, and the sale will be September 12-14. Hopefully the house will be empty by the 17th and escrow closes on the 23rd...then I plan on sleeping for a week.

Not much sewing going on.

I made the back and got the ribbon and rose quilt loaded on the frame.

I'm using a kinda dense pantograph with a bright blue thread...probably not the best choice since I'm not very good at pantographs. The blue thread on the solid white shows every jig and jag.

I've been playing with the sunflower panel.

More blue sky or less?

It is kind of long and narrow, so I've then thought about removing the barn. I like the pattern design but I'm not sure about the border or accent fabrics. I need to play more before I sew anything together.

Nothing happened with the number/alphabet panel, but I did get the red binding made. 

The free table at my guild is my downfall. 

How cute is this. There was matching border/binding fabric and backing fabric...all are the softest flannel.

1 comment:

Rose said...

That last is the cutest panel...can't believe it was free. Was I understanding it correctly? I think I like the less blue best. Seems like the sunflowers stand out more that way. I would leave the barn because I love barns. LOL I actually like the quilting in blue...and the actual quilting looks great.