Monday, September 16, 2024

Odds and Ends

 Bella started "nesting" in the pile of quilt sandwiches I showed a couple of weeks ago. When she nests, she destroys batting. So I've spent the week prepping the sandwiches for long arm quilting.

Most of the sandwiches were 1.5 yard cuts of fabric...front, back and batting cut to the same size. Spent time deciding what would be the top and what the bottom. Trimming edges and selvages as needed. 

I also made a couple of executive decisions...

This was one sandwich...both fabrics were cute but not together. I split them up and found backs for both.

Some were not even close to being considered a "kid's quilt". I just couldn't quilt this, so split the fabrics up and maybe they will be backs for a future quilt.

This one is just scary ugly. The back with it was a directional fabric that wasn't going in the same direction as the panel. I haven't found another back yet...partly because I really really don't like this panel.

Pressed, trimmed and ready for long arm quilting. I'll probably do a simple meander on all of them. Then I'll have to find binding fabrics.

This one was interesting. The top and border fabric are manufactured pre-quilted fabrics. It was sandwiched without batting and the edges sewn with a serger. I carefully quilted it with my walking foot and added binding.

A different person made this quilt top. I don't know what the fabric is but it is not quilter's cotton. A little stiff. I tried to soften it up a bit with flannel on the back.

I quilted it with an edge to edge pantograph in blue thread. I think the picture is showing my first pass...a little the end of the quilt my quilting was much smoother.

I found a different blue that I like much better than the blue I showed last week. I shortened the panel also. I have a back for it and the binding is made from a cute sunflower fabric I found at my local quilt shop. Now I have to decide how I'm going to quilt...any suggestions?

This week the boys were back in town. (do I have you singing the Tin Lizzy song?)

There was a third buck, but I couldn't get all three in the same picture.

1 comment:

Rose said...

Yes, thank you very much, the song is in my head. I might just have to find it on youtube. LOL I like the blue you chose for the those corner triangles. I will be really interested in how you quilt it. I have a real hard time deciding on how to quilt things now.With it I might just do the do a wavy line lengthwise of the quilt.

The bear fabric in the first photo===I love it. I don't know what I would do with it but it is so cute.

You have been one busy woman!