Monday, December 16, 2024

Lots of Binding

 I made the binding for Ginger Belle and it is put away until it's needed.

I made the binding for the quilt from H E double hockey sticks (don't want to owe the cuss jar more money).

As I mentioned before this is a "cheater" fabric. You buy it by the yard already pieced. The seams are serged and thick. My thread kept breaking in the minky areas. I noticed after I finished quilting it that there were some very large stitches...again only in the minky areas. I carefully removed the large stitches, and after adding the binding, went back over the areas that I removed with my walking foot.

I have three more of these "quilt tops" to quilt...not looking forward to it. 

I was able to load another quilt sandwich and finish it.

A little drab, but I'm sure there is a young boy out there who would love cuddling up with mountain lions. I used a new pantograph that I think gave the quilt lots of texture.

When Angela visited she brought me a cat puzzle. I put it together a couple of weeks ago but keep forgetting to show a picture.

Want to make an easy puzzle difficult? Don't lose a piece, add in an extra piece. It's not a duplicate piece either. Thanks Angela, it was fun to put together.


Rose said...

That first quilt sounds like a real pain....I would like the second one with the mountain can bet some child will love it. I like that cat puzzle...funny with the extra piece. I think it was my SIL that had a piece that did not fit when finished. Just within the last year.

Barwitzki said...

Your finished quilt is great. And you will have fun finishing your mountain lion quilt knowing that it will be a lot of fun for a happy boy. I have also finished two quilt sandwiches... and the binding is waiting. But I have so many other beautiful things in the works... and then the Christmas markets - they are so beautiful :-)))
The cat puzzle is great... so beautiful.
A hug for you from Viola