Well, historically Punxsutawney Phil may not be very accurate, but I think he hit the nail on the head this year. We got about five inches of snow today.
Very wet snow. The kids across the street tried to sled down the road. It looked more like they were swimming on paddle boards as they pushed themselves down the road. Looked like they were having fun. The guy who got his truck stuck while slip sliding up the road did not look like he was having fun.
I worked on more miscellaneous stuff last week.
Last year I threw my UFO list out the window. I don't think I worked on any of them. These three blocks and the coordinating fabric have been on my UFO list for the last five years with zero progress made.
I finally had some inspiration on a quilt design using them. Stand on your head, this is actually upside down. The "bricks" are actually stacked 5 inch squares. I probably won't be able to sew it together until next week.
I loaded, quilted and added the binding to another two fabric donation quilt.
And added binding to two guild community service quilts (no picture).
This week I'll be focusing on
Project Quilting 16.3 challenge: Common Blocks. We are supposed to make something with at least three common blocks - I don't know if this means three different common blocks or if we can use 3 (or more) of the same block.
I'm going very common...half square triangles.
Above is the pattern and fabrics I'm using. Some of the oldest fabrics in my stash. The pattern is from one of the 3-Yard Quilts books by Fabric Cafe'
Everything is cut. The half square triangles are made and trimmed. As a CYA, I'm going to make one row of pinwheels, one row of broken dishes, and probably one row of square in a square blocks.