Jayme is taking off tomorrow for Oregon, she probably won't be back in this area for a while. I'm going to miss her, she has been my fellow unemployed buddy the past few months. She has been great about getting me out of the house and not letting me become a job hunting/quilting hermit.
Since today was her last day here, and we were both tired of sitting around the house watching it rain, we took off for Jackson. But we never made it to Jackson. Between here and Jackson are a couple of fun old gold mining towns (Jackson is one also) Drytown, Amador City, and Sutter Creek. We stopped at each, shopped for a bit, had lunch and shopped some more. Our first stop was at a fruit and vegetable stand, so by the time we finished looking around Sutter Creek we were both pooped.
While looking through one antique shop I got a call from a temp agency asking if I was interested in a job. Duh. The antique shop was rearranging things and had a large cleared area near the front of the store, in my attempt for some privacy and quiet I went to the far corner and sat on the floor to talk to the recruiter. I'm sure the shop owner was wondering what in the world I was doing there. LOL Probably should of bought something for the space rent.
Tomorrow I'm heading out also. I'm going to the Pacific International Quilt Show in Santa Clara. Stephanie, Nancy and I have been going for the last few years. We are all looking forward to it. There is suppose to be over 800 quilts on display and 300 vendors. Yikes! I need to make sure I leave my credit card at home and bring my camera with me. I really like going to this show every year but it can be a bit overwhelming...there are SO MANY beautiful fabrics and quilts on display, I want to buy it all and make them all.
No new pictures. This quilt is the first one I ever started - over 14 years ago - I just finished it last year. All but two of the block are hand pieced.
I decide if it was ever going to get finished, it would have have to be machine done. I really liked the pieced border. I'm not going to show you where my big boo boo is. Actually there are two boo boos in the border, one I'm not showing you, the other become part of the design...yeah that's it, I designed rectangles into the border, squares would have been boring.