Monday, May 30, 2022



Last week I mentioned I was getting a bit overwhelmed by all the little things that needed finished or the next step completed.

How'd I do? Well, let's see...

Iron open the double flying geese and 2-patches. Sew the 2-patches into 4-patches.

Done! All the 2-patches have been paired up and I'm using them as leader-enders.

Make two more pillowcases.

Done! The Minion fabric came from Quilts for Kids, the rest is very old stash.

Community service quilt sandwich from guild.

Done! A flannel panel (ugly IMO) was my next practice quilt on the Moxie. I played with some free style straight lines and a curlicue design in the inner border. 

Didn't do too bad going up and down but need to work on the left to right and right to left designs.

My May UFO Challenge quilt - race car quilt - figure out a way to make it bigger.

The top is done! I fixed the 6th panel that I'd cut wrong and added it. It is as big as it's going to get, 72 inches square. I really like how this turned out and have a few ideas for quilting it.

Sew the flying geese into a top.

Done! The top is about 40 x 50 inches. I think I have the perfect fabric for the back.

Green diamond quilt...not done. I want to finish it using the Juki. When I was sewing the binding on the last week's quilt, I used the Juki as it handles the bulk so nicely, however the Juki was acting up. I just got it back from being serviced a few months ago and this was my first time using it. Back it went. Several wires were not connected and they would have to take it apart again to fix it. So the green diamond quilt will have to wait.

Not too bad, I checked off all but one item.

So what's on my list for next week? While I was being very industrious sewing and quilting, my house and yard have been seriously neglected: Vacuuming, dusting, floors mopped, windows cleaned, yard mowed, bushes trimmed, weeds pulled, bathrooms cleaned, garage cleaned out, and a large pile of stuff taken to the Goodwill.

Hmmm...wonder if all of that will get done?


Rose said...

You sure were productive this past week! That was a lot to get done. I have done very little. I did get two more bags of stuff to take to Goid Will.

Needled Mom said...

I need some of your energy. I love those Flying Geese. Sorry about the continuing issues with the Juki.