Monday, January 27, 2025


 While it may seem like I've only been working on the Project Quilting challenges since the beginning of the year I haven't. There is a week between each challenge. During that time, I've been trying to get a few little things done. 


Piecing odd leftover backing flannel strips into new quilt backs. This is my third one. I have at least three more to go.

Don't faint! I've been making Aunt Daisy blocks. This is four out of five that are made...eleven more to go. I've made the executive decision that I'm going to make a queen size quilt using twelve blocks and a lap size with a pieced border using four blocks.

I quilted and donated another quilt top. 

And I have sorted through my fabric bundles and donated a lot to the guild boutique. A lot! The bin was full of flannel pinwheel blocks and HST flannel blocks - Angela brought them up last October. It went to our guild community service coordinator.

Little things but it sure feels good to have them done.


Rose said...

You wont believe this but Aunt Daisy crossed my mind just a few days ago...i was trying to remember if you had finished the top...thinking surely I would remember if you had. I so love it....

Shelina said...

Your Aunt Daisy blocks look wonderful! I need to get mine moving again, just need to trim more blocks before I can start putting them together.

william hartman said...
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