Monday, January 6, 2025

Mythical Creatures

I finished the flannel quilt top.

The binding has been cut out and the back is ready to be pieced. I'd really like to finish the quilt this week but...

The first Project Quilting challenge has been released: Mythical Creatures. Yikes! I've spent the last 24 hours looking up mythical creature images. Lots of dragons, fairies, unicorns and gnomes. Stephanie said Pegasus, Angela said Dragon. I was thinking Egyptian mythology. I'm settling for something easy since it has to be finished by next Sunday.

This phoenix will be easy to make - simple raw edge applique.

My inspiration fabric and a bunch of hand dyed fabric I've had in my stash since 2000.

Wish I had brighter oranges, reds and deep rust, but this will have to do. No shopping allowed (my rule, not Project Quilting's rule).


Rose said...

Wow, to see from where it came from is even more impressive!

Anonymous said...

such a nice work embroidery digitizing service in us @!