Monday, March 21, 2022

Loud and Noisy

 My laptop sounds like a freight through the middle of the house...I don't think it's supposed to sound like that. It takes at least 3+ minutes to open any application...some, like my beloved Excel, won't open at all. I think my laptop is over 10 years old (originally Windows 7)...she's been hardworking and fun but I think it might be time to for her to retire. Shhhhh....don't tell her but I'm going to buy a new laptop tomorrow. There may be bad words said later this week as I try to set the new one up.

Did you sew on National Quilting Day? I did. I've actually done pretty good this past week and sewed a bit every day (more like every night, I'm a late night sewer).

I tacked down Angela's quilt and donated it to Quilts for Kids.

So cute.

I made two pillowcases and also donated them.

I love the sheep with the stripes!!

Got my March Aunt Daisy units done.

I still have to trim them to size.

And got two of my March UFO blocks made.

 I think I have four blocks left. I'm going to try to make one a day. Then maybe next weekend I'll put the quilt top together.  We'll see.

Okay. My laptop is getting louder and louder, I better hit Publish before it blows up. YIKES!


Rose said...

Wow! You have been busy! I do love that donation quilt. It is just so fun.

I had a laptop that did that...funny thing I got a new one and took the old one to.the basement. I plugged it in. Just to have in odd momentscwhen down there. No noise! Even when having it on while quilting. So, when I fixed a room to sew I brought it up for in there. When I turned it on, the moise was back. So bad i cannot stand to have it on.

Rose said...

How are you feeling? Do you still have to.limit your time sewing?

Needled Mom said...

You’ve gotten lots of sewing done lately. I hate having to get a new computer and learning all the ropes again. Good luck.