Friday, January 24, 2025

Project Quilting 16.2 Ombre'

I haven't made and finished a quilt in ages, much less making and finishing a quilt in less than a week.

You can see all of the PQ 16.2 submissions here. Here is my finished Ombre' quilt.

I put a soft blue flannel on the back.

I'm really happy that I got to use up some very old fabrics in my stash.

I'm not very happy at some of the ridiculously rookie mistakes I've been making lately. I don't know what I was thinking when I pieced the back.

I had to cut away the batting to make sure I wasn't hitting the leader pins.

I don't recommend playing backing chicken.


Danice G said...

Pretty ombré quilt. That was fast to get it all finished in a week.

Rose said...

I really like this....simple but very striking.