Monday, February 8, 2021

Reality Check


The reality check is that if I have not made the quilt for the last 20 years due to those curves I'm not going to do it now.  If they were just curves I'd probably have it done by now, but it's not. This is the piece:

The curves are supposed to taper to points at both ends - if you look at the right point it is about 1/4 inch off. About four years ago I made enough to make one block. I probably took apart each piece at minimum twice - a LOT of bad words were said. The unfinished block was supposed to measure 12 1/2 inches. Mine measured 13 inches - if I trimmed it down I'd lose all the points.

Last Monday after writing my post I couldn't sleep. I didn't do any sewing for three days. I had just about made the decision to chuck the whole project or see if anyone else wanted it, and I was feeling okay with that decision...then I looked at all the extra fabric that was included in the kit...hmmm. I also took a second look at the pattern...hmmm. For the most part the quilt used 12 inch blocks, maybe  - maybe, I could make different 12 inch blocks?  Hmmm.

First try:

Okay, concept works but the results are really blah.

Second try:

Ummm..excuse me...

Better...A little busy, still a little blah, but I can live with it. Next week I'll brave the Y-seam mitered borders.

Just so you know it wasn't a complete loss. I made a table topper with the one block I did finish.

I know it looks pretty but I had to iron/sew in pleats to get the center to lay flat and I think each side is a different size.

If anyone wants the curved pieces and parts to make the blocks, the magazine with the pattern, and the plastic temples I had made to cut the pieces, let me know I will happily mail them to you. Just know you have been warned.


Rose said...

Looking real good! I love the table one will ever notice any of its faults because it is so beautiful.

Cheree @ The Morning Latte said...

I agree--no one will ever notice uneven sides. I sure don't. Esp when it'll be sitting on the table with stuff on it. A beautiful alternative use! (I'll pass on anything curved!)

Needled Mom said...

Life is just too short to work on projects that we do not enjoy. The one block does look really pretty and I certainly do not see any problems with it.