Monday, October 4, 2021

Quick Post


I'm about ready to fall asleep at my desk chair. So before I break my nose falling asleep on the keyboard here's this week's scoop.

I didn't get a lot of sewing done until today. Here's where I'm at:

Daphne September block is done...don't look at that mismatched center, I'm not fixing it.

Block two of the Fat Quarter Shop Sampler is done.

Block 1a of the Project Linus mystery is done.

 Block 1b is about half done. I have to square up all the blocks and I'm too sleepy to do it right now.

 Christina's quilt is loaded on the frame. I started quilting it last night and went until I ran out of bobbin thread. I'll continue quilting it tomorrow. I think this is the first time I've ever loaded a quilt top to a rail, I normally float the top. I have been concerned with all the uneven seams, puckering and gathering in the quilt and that I would have problems quilting it. So far, so good. I think loading the top on the rail has helped a lot.

October's UFO Challenge Project is the 3-D string quilt.

Hmmm...I have more done than I remembered...however...since I still have one gift project to make, and have a couple of road trips planned this month, I'm going to skip over this project for the moment. If I have time, I'll focus on getting this pile quilted.

Now I think my bed is calling...good night.

1 comment:

Rose said...

You are one busy woman! I love that block, and would not have noticed the center. It is too pretty to worry about that.

I have did the pin basting on my table of the last two or three quilts and that just dies not work near as good as being down in the floor and stretching things out. I can think of no alternative that would be any better.