Monday, February 28, 2022

Gonna be a Busy Month


I'm doing a lot better. I finished putting together the top of my February UFO Challenge project.

Bella is such a ham! I had hoped to have it quilted also, but I have a good excuse to procrastinate...keep reading.

I think the yellow pop border helps tone down the yellow in the quilt. I love the fabric I found for the border. Don't tell anyone but I bought it at Joann's. I know, no more fabric snob. Oh well, it was the perfect fabric for this colorful quilt.

And I picked up the perfect flannel back at the last Quilts for Kids meeting.

Want to see a magic trick? Now you see it...

And now you don't!

I decided I wanted a real long arm quilting machine so I have ordered a Handi Quilter Moxie. It comes with a quilt frame so I needed to sell my old one. WOW! took less than one day. Major happy dancing occurred. Hmmmm, wonder if I should have asked for more $$$. Don't care I'm so happy it sold so quickly and the person buying it was happy too. I am keeping the Juki, love that machine.

The Moxie should arrive later this month. I plan on giving her a good workout, as I have at least 8 quilts in queue!

The March UFO Challenge number was #3 (hmmm, coincidence?) which happens to be the Daphne quilt I started last year. All of the blocks were cut out last night along with fabric for the rest of the Aunt Daisy double flying geese units. The second step for Aunt Daisy was released today - 64 hourglass or quarter square triangles. Yikes!

I see lots of piecing and squaring up in my future.


Loris said...

Yay for you splurging on the HandiQuilter. I think they give good support too. You will enjoy it. And yay for finding the new home for your other frame. I was able to unload several boxes of quilt supplies that I was holding for a friend who moved back in 2020! Another friend was to come get it but had too much going on and never responded to my calls. But the local guild is storing up for a citywide yard sale in May and came and took it all away yesterday. I feel like I lost weight! I can see the floor under my longarm again. LOL And today I took unloved jewelry to a buying event and came home with $$$. Now just to find a home for too many rubber stamps from the 90's ROFLOL

Needled Mom said...

Oh yay! You will love your new machine and it sounds like you have lots of quilts to practice on when it arrives.

Rose said...

Oh, wow. Doing a happy dance for you! I hope you like your new machine. Always heard good about them. I do like Bella's quilt;) and love the fabrics in the last shot. You have really been busy.

Rose said...

Also about Joann's...I wish their calico wall had fabric as nice as what they used to have. They used to have some wonderful fabric. I made a quilted bedspread with fabrics from their wall and used it every day for at least 10 years, and finally put it in a bag for GoodWill just simply because I finally became tired of it. But the fabric was still fine. No worn out spots. I half wish I had kept it. I don't know if I have a single scrap of the fabric left. But I would have stood it against any quilt shop fabric out there.