Monday, March 8, 2021

Another Finish


I didn't do a lot of quilting this past week. I had a couple of ebooks from the online library that were due, couldn't be renewed, and had to get them read. I really like how easy it is to get books from the online library but if a book is due you can't just turn it in late and pay the fine. If it is a popular book it could be months before it can be checked out again.

I did do some kinda sorta quilting related things: couldn't find a red fabric I knew I still had so I sorted all of my fabric by color. I have meant to do this forever - okay since I moved into this house. It still needs to be organized more but it can wait.

I also went to an estate sale and bought a large garbage bag full of fabric and batting scraps. Most of the batting was fusible Pellon including two very large pieces.

Here's the fabric, ironed and sorted and some of it cut into scrap bin sizes.

Sorry for the bad picture. I took it last night then put everything away. I'll donate the pile on left and keep everything on the right. Most of the fabrics were to make purses so there were a lot of decorator and canvas fabrics (in the left side pile). Everything had been washed and was very wrinkled. There were two pieces that were two yards each - I'll save those for donation quilt backs.

I showed this quilt loaded on the frame a couple of weeks ago. I finally got it quilted Friday.

The large red sashing is a double knit polyester. Polyester seams do not iron flat. This actually quilted up really nice. I tried to go over all the polyester seams so they would lay flatter but it ends looking a little puckery. It is why my fabric got organized. I knew I had a red fabric I wanted to use for the binding and I couldn't find it anywhere.


Cheree @ The Morning Latte said...

I am a huge fan of getting ebooks from the library! I'm so behind on all the things I want to read and a few books that I just need to finish (I used to be a one-book-at-a-time person, darn it!) that taking a day off of quilting (and everything else) is exactly what I should do! Sounds great!

Rose said...

I just love thst quikt...I have always loved Pluto. Great deal in finding fabric at an estate sale!

Rose said...

That QUILT...I cannot type on this phone without making mistakes!