Thursday, February 8, 2024

Inside Only

The Project Quilting Challenge 15.3 is Inside Out. Rule one: some part of your project must thematically or literally be inside out.

My poor Bella is strictly an inside only cat. She would love to be outside chasing birdies.

This is her favorite place when the sun is shining and there are birdies in the front yard.

These guys look like outdoor kitties to me. Singing in a feral cat choir.

This is the first time I'm made a cathedral windows block. I love how the technique lets you bring the surprise inside out to shine.


Danette said...

Your kittie looks so nice sitting there. Love your cathedral window project with the kitties inside.

PersimonDreams said...

it's so cute! Love that you tried something new!

Rose said...

Yeah for trying new things! I like this...I love Cathedral Window Quilts but have never had the nerve to try one.

Do you watch Simon's Cat videos? I don't know if I have ever ask you....they now have out Simon's cat extra which is usually just a remake using some of the old videos...but one of them could have been our Bubbie cat. The first one I ever saw: Cat Man Do