Almost forgot again. Why do I keep thinking Monday night is Sunday? Especially when there are so many things that I have to take care of during the day on'd think the day would stick in my brain into the night.
Not too much exciting this past week other than it was busy with non-quilting related things (like an invasion of ants).
I did add borders to these...
The panel turned out cuter than I thought it would. I'm really glad I went with the blue inner border first. It really brightens the panel colors.
This block was on either the guild or QFK free table. I added borders and loaded it on the frame. Haven't gotten much further as I'm having tension issues and haven't taken the time to fuss with it yet.
I did a quick quilting job on this QFK sandwich.
I did scrap the Project Quilting Follow the Arrow challenge. The red and blue blocks are already in the orphan block bin, and I've pulled new fabrics to go with the animal print that I think with work better.
I decided to start a new project that I've been wanting to work on for a while. The pattern is Wind Drifter by Robin Pickens.
I'm doing a darker version like the picture shown. The prints are Australian fabrics that Donna gave me a few years ago. The black dandelion print will be the background.
The Arrrgh is because I screwed up the cutting tonight - twice. Luckily, I had more fat quarters to pull into the group. Just peeved. My own fault for not paying attention and not following the pattern instructions.
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