Monday, September 11, 2023

Can You Solve the Maze?

 The Amazing quilt top is done.

 I decided the maze was too easy, so I changed the pattern just a bit. Sewing all the little squares together into blocks was easy, sewing the blocks into rows, then sewing the rows together was a bit of a pain as most of the blocks wouldn't nest. LOTS of pinning was needed and even then some of the black is a little off...oh well. This was fun to make and I would even consider making another.

Progress was made on Bon Appetit with Ash but I still have a couple of blocks and three borders to quilt.

I've been quilting a different background filler in each block. I'm running out of ideas.

The guild community service quilt is coming along also.

It still needs borders. I plan on having the top done by next Monday's meeting.

I feel like I don't have anything to piece but it's not true. I haven't touched the Aunt Daisy units in months, I have September's UFO project, and I want to work on one of the dozen panels I have. So I have lots to do...but...

I want to chase a squirrel. Isn't this cute. Sorry about the bad picture, the quilt was hanging in a store window. Love love love the scrappy hearts.

1 comment:

Rose said...

Yes, I could solve the maze....wouldn't it be fun to make a BIG quilt maze. Or maybe not...LOL You sure get a lot done....I had wondered about Aunt Daisy.