Monday, August 23, 2021

Another Boring Week


My sewing machine is starting to get cobwebs around it.

I now have a stack of pinned quilts and table toppers so hopefully there will be some action soon.

While I haven't been sewing I have been going though all my sewing / quilting stuff and purging...yes, you heard that right, purging!

My guild is having a garage sale next month. The proceeds go to the guild. I have filled up three bags and started a fourth. There are books, patterns, odd notions, fabric, lots of scrap sets, make and takes from quilt rushes, a couple of small kits, etc.  I've tried to package them nicely so the guild can get as much $$ as possible. I am loving this. This is the first round. They have the garage sale once a year so we'll see what gets purged next year.

As I've been going through things I also found a few "oh, I totally forgot about that" UFO projects. Like this one... 

The embroidery is call chicken scratch. My original plan was to make the apron shown. I already know that's not going to happen, but I don't want to toss it - too pretty. Soooo....

The heart piece will probably become a pillow but I think I'll use the border piece to make this quilter's apron. I'll get some lightweight canvas or broadcloth to give it some body as the gingham is pretty light. Should be a fun project - if I ever sew again.

I think I have all my floss wound. To quote Annie O. "Winding floss is kinda fun,I think, for awhile, and then it’s not."


AnnieO said...

Oh so cute chicken scratch project. I like gingham! Hmm that reminds me I have a sandwich to quilt that has a gingham backing. It’s buried somewhere in the mound of unfinished quilts! Hope your guild sale goes well. A member of our guild is selling everything in her crafty life in preparation of moving to a foreign country. Haha, thanks for the floss shout-out :)

Rose said...

That's a lot of floss! And that is a lot of purging, too.

I love the chicken scratch! My mom had an apron someone made for her with it on it.