Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Making a Little Progress on Lots of Little Things

 I'm pretty good at working on everything except what I'm supposed to work on. I picked up two quilt sandwiches at last Monday's guild meeting and finished one of them yesterday.

Cute top, I don't know who made it. I must be out of touch because I don't know who Max and Duke are, but they are cute.

I have the second quilt ready to be loaded.

I still need to decide on thread.

I have very little of the green leftover and none of the cream/green background fabric left so I went with Plan C.

It still needs something else, so I think I'm going to embroider the scroll design across the corners. Don't hold your breath for a finish anytime soon.

February's UFO Challenge was Bon Appetit with Ash. I did make some progress. I completed all the applique around Ash and got the first two sections of the top put together.

I really want to get this top done, so this will also be my March UFO Challenge quilt. No quilt police, right? 

Project Quilting released a new challenge yesterday, 14.5 is Sew Not a Square. Whatever I make it can't be square.  I've been wanting to make a new wedge table topper, so this fits in perfect.

Doesn't this look lovely with my ugly ironing board cover? Look for another post later this week.

Surprise, surprise I have actually made some progress on my Aunt Daisy quilt this month.

I've been using these as a leader-ender project throughout the month. About half of the light triangle in a square blocks are made. Not much but progress.

1 comment:

Rose said...

You get so much done! Max and Duke are from The Secret Life of Pets...i knew I recognized them but had to look up where they are from. I think it was the last movie we took Lorelei to see.

Love your little green project...I need to try to make something really small.

I like the NOt Square project. If things were not like they are here, I would be attempting this one, even if I didn't enter it.

I bet you get a lot of Ash done this next month.