Monday, July 8, 2024

 Hello! How are you? I have done very little sewing the last few months but I'm trying to sew a few minutes every day...I haven't been very successful.

My Mom moved in with me a few months ago and it has taken some time to get situated and into a new routine. We're getting there.

I've made very little progress on the batik table runner...

I decided to put the blocks on point. I'll make it as long as I can using the blocks that are already made. I've already sewn about 6 rows together.

I've been working on another Aunt Daisy block...all the rows have been sewn together, now I need to sew the rows into a block.

I also started a new leader-ender project...

I've seen several versions of this quilt lately and thought it would be perfect for the odd length 2.5 inch scrap strips I have. There isn't much to look at yet.

In May I loaded the Project Quilting mystery quilt on to the frame. I finally finished it last week.

The back is the same fabric as the borders. I think I got the yellow fabric at a thrift store. I wish I had more of it.

Currently the frame is covered with batting remnants. I want to make some frankenbat but it has just been too hot to turn the iron on to fuse the pieces together. Four days over 105 degrees...not fun.

This guy has been hanging out in my backyard recently.

Mom said she saw two fawns this morning.

1 comment:

Rose said...

Oh, I am so glad to see these posts. It still looks like you have accomplished quite a bit. I love that batik table runner...and also like your idea for the leader ender project.