Monday, August 5, 2024

Making Progress

 I'm not sewing everyday, but I am making progress.

I need a new guild name tag. The guild "meetings" are three hours: two hours of socializing / handwork and one hour for the actual guild meeting.

I wanted something quick and simple, so this is what I worked on today. The J is a little funky but I think I'm going to leave it as is. I'll back it and add binding.

Made progress on the square 9 patch table topper.

I haven't done any webbing in ages but thought it would help me keep the blocks in order. Worked pretty good other than I twisted the threads in one section. I'm always amazed how much a quilt "shrinks" when you sew the blocks and rows together.

I made a back and got this quilt loaded. Someone donated the finished top to the Quilts for Kids group. I'll quilt it this week and return it at the next meeting.

Grants Pass sits in a small valley. It's been really hot for a couple of weeks now and the air quality is terrible. It looks like fog but it is actually smoke.

So this is my area of Oregon.

This is the rest of Oregon. So sad and scary.

1 comment:

Rose said...

I like your name is so cute. I am with you in being amazed at how much stuff shrinks when it is actually sewn together. I like how the blocks are looking. I hate all the fires...I wish it would come a big rain and put them all out.