Monday, October 5, 2020

Took longer than I thought...


I knew I couldn't keep the Xmas table cloth as a leader-ender. AND it took much longer than an afternoon to make. Well it might have taken an afternoon if I didn't keep screwing it up.

How in the world did I manage to screw up such a simple pattern? I've got the binding and back made also. It is now in queue for quilting. It is getting to be a very long queue!

After buying a new printer (does anyone use HP920 ink? if so, I have ink to giveaway), I got the first clue for Lucy's Love Notes done.

And the first clue for Logey Bear.

Clue two for both quilts are very detailed, both of them are going to take awhile to finish.

I did a little bit of Halloween decorating.

Made both of these quilts ages and ages ago.

This may have been the 3rd or 4th lap size quilt I ever made.

I even free motion quilted a spider web in each block.

Do you think you will get Trick-or-Treater's this year?


Maria said...
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Needled Mom said...

Why is it that the “easy” designs are the ones we always mess up? Your pumpkin/cat stitchery is very cute. Is that a Roseville vase in front of it? That is lovely! You were very brave doing a web in those blocks as a beginner quilter. I doubt that I would have attempted it.

Bonnie said...

Love the seasonal decorating. Nope, we won't get any Trick or Treaters -- we live in a 55+ community and haven't had any since we moved here 4 years ago. I feel your pain on you table cloth. I was having a heck of a time with one of my Happy Blocks quilt. Luckily I eventually get it together.

Rose said...

Sometimes simple is hard simply because we think it is easy and don't pay as much attention!

Love your Halloween decorating.

Cheree @ The Morning Latte said...

Love the Halloween decor! We live so far removed from other houses that we never get trick-or-treater's, tho I expect our grandkids will come by. I always buy a bag of candy JUST in case someone comes...and every year, guess who ends up eating the candy??