Monday, February 18, 2019

The first two sets of blocks are done for the Threadology sew along...

I am still really happy with my fabric choices.

Unfortunately the colors are not showing up in the photos. 

Years ago I bought this ruler at a garage sale (really really cheap) thinking it was for cutting out fabric strips (which it could be used for), but its actual purpose is to square up hour glass blocks.

It was a little awkward at first but I ended up really liking it. I'll be keeping it close at hand in the future.

I quilted, added the binding and gifted this little mug rug.

My imagination has been failing me lately so no fancy quilting.

Nancy came over to sew yesterday. While she worked on sewing blocks I tackled the scrap bin again.  Four hours later I had some lovely piles all over the family room (should have taken a picture) but again barely made a dent in the bin. I did decide on a couple of scrap projects I going to make with the strings and the small strips. Hopefully I'll have a few sample blocks for you next week.

Cussing out the scrap bin didn't stop me from buying scraps. My new favorite thrift store is the Habitat for Humanity Restore. I could have done some serious damage there but I decided I really didn't need a pallet mover, or a claw foot tub, or wood working magazines, or...


Loris said...

Such lovely new blocks! That ruler sounds interesting. Hourglass blocks are a challenge to make accurately. They are one of my favorites though.

Rose said...

LOVE the new blocks...and that little mugrug is adorable! Do you do an actual binding on your mugrug, or do you have enough back to bring to the front? (Try letting a non-quilter decipher that!)

Rose said...

Never mind...I think I can see that you used an actual binding. I had looked admiring your quilting, but didn't look close at the binding. So went back and looked again.

Needled Mom said...

Your mug rug is so spring-y and pretty. Scraps are akways so daunting to organize.