Monday, July 17, 2023


 Note to self: Never, ever again, use Cuddle on a large quilt.

I used a wide back cuddle since I had a large quilt... 68 x 84 inches. Everyone said to keep the back loose. Unfortunately I had one side too loose.

This is the top left still on the frame. Once I noticed it I started making corrections on that side and didn't have any more puckers.

After I finished quilting:

Same section. Doesn't look as bad.

 Same section from the top. Can't see it at all.

Am I going to fix it? No. Will I use Cuddle again? Maybe. But definitely not on a large quilt. Partly due to the weight. This sucker is HEAVY! I'm waiting for a cooler day so I can trim the quilt in my garage with the vacuum cleaner close by. I have a molted black that I will use for binding.

I finished all the Brightly blocks. I also sewed all the 12 patch rows together and have the top over half sewn together. I'll show updated pictures next week.

If you are ever in the Klamath Falls Oregon area you have to take a little side trip to Merrill Oregon and go the Tater Patch Quilt Shop.

OMG! I drooled! I could move into this store. It had all of my favorite types of fabrics. A ton of eye candy quilts displayed on the walls, and the nicest sales people! The Sew Works, which sales Bernina and HandiQuilter machines, is in the same building. I used a lot of self control in The Tater Patch, I bought clearance fabric for the back of Brightly. I didn't use self control in The Sewing Works. I ordered the rear handles for the Moxie and a light bar to go above the whole frame. Hopefully that will resolve my lighting issues. I can't wait for both to come in.

Next up:

I didn't make this quilt. It was originally too wide for the backing. After talking to the person who did make it, I trimmed about 1.5 inches off all sides. Hopefully that will be enough. I don't like quilting it sideways, but the back is pieced, and I want to keep the seams horizontal. 


Mary said...

That looks like a great quilt shop. I always love the eye candy on the walls. Minky is a challenge. I’ve not attempted it on a large quilt like that.

Rose said...

I have got to see these all on computer. I would not have taken out the quilting either.

Rose said...

From what I can see, I love it quilted more than as a top...quilting just seems to.improve any top.

Rose said...

Looks wonderful! I would have loved to visit that shop with you...I need a good trip to a quilt shop.