Lets start with the good news...Suzanne at Just Another Hang Up is having a giveaway. (Sorry don't know how to create a hotlink yet:
http://justanotherhangup.blogspot.com/.) She is giving away this delicious tote bag that she calls "Chocolate Covered Raspberry." To win it, go by her blog and leave a comment - but just so you know, I'm going to win it.

This is the back of the Blue Delft quilt. Someone gave me this panel years ago and I knew I'd never make a quilt with, I thought it fit the quilt theme perfectly.

This is the front of the Blue Delft quilt.

The bad news, notice the extra tint of blue near the flying geese units. Lesson learned, always always ALWAYS prewash batik fabrics. Here is a close up....the blue batik bled.

I'm going to wash the quilt and include a color catcher sheet. I'm really hoping that will solve this problem. This is suppose to be a gift, I know the recipient would love the quilt no matter what, but I hate the thought of giving something that I think of as damaged.
And the lesson is...never throw anything away! I'm going to share this with my husband next time he raises his eyebrows at my stash!
I was going through some of your post....did the blue come out? I have some 2.5" jelly roll batiks....those would be difficult to wash and keep shape.
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