Someone sent me an email with that subject line today. It included a bunch of cute sleeping animals and children. Here is one:

Isn't he cute? But all everyone does around here is sleep...

I need to get back to a normal sleep pattern. Oh I get my 8 hours, but since I'm not working it is normally between 2 a.m. and 10 a.m.
Today was spend focusing on the job hunt. Yesterday I was asked what my job objective is, I call myself a Business Analyst - which I think is a very general description - so how do I describe what I do or specifically what I want to do but not the tasks that I used to do. I found the following definition of a business analyst online:
A business analyst is a vital position in an organization since they are responsible for analyzing the business needs of an application in an organization. They are responsible for finding out the business problems and also propose solutions for the same, using various techniques and tools they mastered in the branch of business analysis. They must have good analyzing ability to analyze the current system and also proposed system to find the feasibility of systems which is very vital for organizations stability. They must have good written and oral communications skills since they need to interact with different members in the organization namely project managers, designers, testing team, subject matter experts, and customers. They must continuously upgrade themselves both in business knowledge and technical aspects to improve the business process effectively and efficiently.
I like this definition, it narrows the general description by providing tangible skills. I need to make sure my resume clearly conveys those skills. Time for a re-write.
No picture of the Blue Delft quilt. I quilted butterflies in the center and border of the quilt. I used a stencil and a Mark-B-Gone marking pen. Well the marks would not be gone. I finally soaked it in the washing machine. It is currently blocked and drying on the guest bedroom floor.
1 comment:
ok...good post
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